

By: WP4, LLC

AppPresser allows you to build mobile apps for your WordPress site, which you can publish to Android and iOS platforms. It features native apps, app store publishing, WordPress feature, WordPress plugin, WordPress interface, e-commerce, site management, and more. It allows you to customize the app look, upload photo through the app, and sends push notifications.

From: USA Web Visibility: 39.83%
Top AppPresser Alternatives
  • Como
  • Bitbucket
  • Android Studio
  • Wappler
  • AppsBuilder
  • Appcelerator
  • Shoutem
  • AppYourself
  • Appery
  • Mobile Roadie
  • Backendless
  • Azure SDK
  • Intel XDK
  • AppInstitute
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Top AppPresser Alternatives and Overview



Como provides easy app builder software that allows you to create your own app with loyalty programs.

By: Conduit Ltd From Israel
Based on 4 Votes


Bitbucket is a platform that helps software developers collaborate for a project.

By: Atlassian
Based on 76 Votes

Android Studio

Android Studio is the established integrated development environment for Android application development and maintenance, based on IntelliJ IDEA.

By: Google
Based on 47 Votes


Wappler is a designing tool for professionals who work in the app or web development field.

By: Wappler
Based on 2 Votes


AppsBuilder allows you to create professional mobile apps and deliver real-time results from your apps.

By: AppsBuilder S.p.a From Italy
Based on 6 Votes


Appcelerator provides mobile app development platform with real-time analytics, mobile API, and native apps.

By: Appcelerator Inc From USA
Based on 19 Votes


It features loyalty program, content app builder, mobile commerce, business information, community builder, local app...

By: ShoutEm, Inc From USA
Based on 6 Votes


It features fully-customizable design, various app templates, industry-specific solutions, web app and native app, modern...

By: AppYourself GmbH From Germanyā€ˇ
Based on 2 Votes


It features hybrid apps, responsive web apps, app templates, visual data binding, custom UI components...

By: Appery, LLC From USA

It is a standout tool that offers both front-end devices and back-end administrations...

By: Appery
Based on 2 Votes

Mobile Roadie

It features custom interactive mapping, in-app purchasing, Geo-targeted push notifications, powerful feature analytics, mobile marketing...

By: Mobile Roadie Inc From USA
Based on 3 Votes


The agencies and even single developers can make use of this platform for developing efficient...

By: Backendless

Azure SDK

Ideated and built by Microsoft, Azure SDKs let you connect your existing applications to over...

By: Microsoft
Based on 13 Votes

Intel XDK

By: Intel Corporation
Based on 17 Votes


Make an App for iPhone and Android devices with no coding or tech skills...

By: AppInstitute From UK
Based on 1 Vote

AppPresser Review and Overview

AppPresser is an online, quick and affordable, mobile app solution provider for website builders to convert websites into mobile apps. It helps you build applications based on your word press themes by providing you with the required tools and to convert your site and distribute it through iTunes and google play. It is typically designed for WordPress experts and owners who need to build a hybrid app with WordPress. It gives you access to smart mobile features such as contact, camera, etc. With its renowned compatibility with the WordPress plugins, it greatly supports Buddy press, woos commerce, restricts content pro and gravity forms. 


Great With Building Social Apps


AppPresser allows you to build various social media applications such as Elearning, e-Commerce or social apps as well. Through its powered integration with various plugins, an AppPresser helps to turn your BuddyPress into a social networking application like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, etc. AppCommunity is an incredibly smooth and fast social component of AppPresser that helps to post social activity updates, pictures, connect with people, exchange messages, updating profiles and create groups.  


Additional Functions


AppPresser offers a wide range of functions and themes to design and enhances your presentations more creatively which are available in the company bundle. These involve AppCamera, AppPush, AppBuddy, AppGeolocation, AppSwiper, and AppWoo, thus making it unique with different brand colors, custom lists, and tabs. These help with fast loading, photo building, and sharing applications, simple reading experience and convenient touch-enabled slider to integrate with commercial pages and BuddyPress. 


Listing and Marketing Apps


AppPresser helps to deliver advertising integration with a well laid out and easy to use the functional app to the play store of your software. It helps to maximize mobile ad revenue by selling off subscriptions and memberships, which maximizes the engagement and loyalty of the customers with repeated visits with comments within your app. With easier navigation and customizable menu tabs, it makes it very easy and flexible for use. It also includes native sharing where you can share your content on any social network.

Company Information

Company Name: WP4, LLC

Company Address: 2704 Commerce Dr # B,, Harrisburg, PA, USA

Founded in: 2014

Top Features

  • Native Apps
  • App Store Publishing
  • WordPress Feature
  • Word PressPlugin
  • WordPress Interface
  • Site Management
  • Accelerate Mobile Strategy
  • Geo-Location Supported
  • Device Camera
  • Offline Mode
  • Native Device Features
  • WordPress ECommerce
  • Blogging Platform
  • Popular Website Software
Core Features
  • Push Notifications