Calendar Software

A Calendar software or application is basically used for scheduling of meetings, events and business plans. Modern calendar software are much more than just a basic calendar application. They integrate features like easy sharing and collaboration to allow multi-user access to one calendar. Mobile compatibility has made it easier for users to access, edit and manage their calendars any time, from anywhere. Many advanced and featured calendar software even support event management and ticketing services.

Here are some of the most widely used online calendar applications you can choose from.



Tandem calendar software is used by schools, universities and organizations to schedule and manage various activities and events.

By: Intand Corporation From USA
Based on 1 Vote


ECAL event calendar marketing software can be used by organizations and individuals to create, manage and promote events from one platform.

By: E-diary Pty Ltd From Australia


Teamweek is a complete online planner and work management application mainly used by business professionals to manage and plan project information, schedules, teams, work data, and much more.

By: Toggl, LLC From Estonia


CalendarWiz is an online calendar application used for staff scheduling and appointments management.

By: CalendarWiz, LLC From USA
Based on 40 Votes

Zoho Calendar

Zoho Calendar is an all-in-one calendar application equipped with several tools and features for proper management of tasks, meetings and schedules.

By: Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. From USA

Teamup Calendar

Teamup is calendar software used for scheduling and group organizing. It allows...

By: Teamup Solutions AG.
Based on 16 Votes


Trumba is online calendar software mainly used for planning and management of events.

By: Trumba Corporation From USA
Based on 1 Vote

SetMore Calendar

SetMore is one fine calendar application that allows users to easily manage their meeting schedules, appointments, customers’ information, staff, and much more from a single interface.

By: SetMore Appointments From USA

Keep&Share Calendar

Keep&Share calendar software allows users to combine and use all their calendars, business files, to do lists, contact information, and much more from a single web based platform.

By: Gee Whiz Labs, Inc. From USA

Active Calendar

Active Calendar is not just a calendar, but complete event management software that allows users to handle event communications, invitations, ticketing and registrations, all from one place.

By: Active Data, Inc. From USA

GoDaddy Online Calendar

GoDaddy Online Calendar is a workspace management calendar application from GoDaddy.

By: GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. From USA

Calendar Connect

Calendar Connect from Doodle is a complete calendar solution that allows users to create meeting schedule, plans, and participate in meeting polls.

By: Doodle AG From Switzerland

As we human beings have progressed through time, we have gotten busier. And the rate at which we’ve gotten busier has seen an exponential rise. We are currently at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, and humans have never been this busy. And the pandemic has further affected it. With offices shut, most professionals around the world have been compelled to work from home, meaning that the line between work and personal life is blurred. Now, instead of having the convenience to work from home, we’ve been presented with the challenge of managing both homes and work simultaneously.

The ever-busy work life

Work-life has only gotten tougher with the whole work from home setup. Most of us are struggling to cope with it. However, some professionals have mastered the art of managing their time so well that they are able to devote adequate time towards all activities. What are these individuals doing that others like us are missing out on? Are they using some tools or services that are helping them ace the challenge? What is the secret to their success?

The secret to better management

Well, to put it plainly there is no secret to it. And the tools they’ve been using have been there in front of us for long. It is just that we’ve not noticed them properly or have failed to make proper use of them. The tools that I’m talking about are calendar management software tools. The calendar software tools are offered by several companies starting from giants like Google and Microsoft. These tools enable professionals to schedule and plan out their work commitments well in advance. Additionally, they come with the feature of integrating various meeting apps and reminders that enable users to join and attend multiple virtual meetings.

The features on offer

Furthermore, these calendar software tools also come with the option of integrating email clients, thereby enabling automated updation of meetings and tasks in the calendar charts. Task management is another aspect of these software tools. They enable users to plan out their tasks weeks in advance and make task management a breeze. Further, they also come with the option of integration with a smartphone and this further adds-on to the overall user experience. Most of these calendar software tools come with an extremely intuitive UI making it easy for users of all kind to adapt and use the tools seamlessly.

Useful for professionals and students as well

With the work-life getting hectic by the day, moving forward users would increasingly require digital tools like these to discharge their work-related duties effectively. And not just working professionals, the pandemic has also impacted students around the world. They’ve been forced to get used to the online mode of teaching leading to a lot of issues. The use of tools like these can help them streamline their assignments and other study-related tasks, thereby ensuring smoother management.