Plagiarism Checker Software

In the age of the Internet, where almost every piece of information is available, plagiarism has become a common practice. A plagiarism checker helps to distinguish between copied and original content. It not only saves you from falling prey to the crime of plagiarism and copyright infringement but also help you develop integrity in your own work. It is a useful and convenient tool for students, writers, and academic researchers who rely on information available online to complete their job. If any content has been copied, it will show it in highlights and also give a percentage of duplicated content in the particular document.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker allows every individual to check their documents for plagiarism and spelling mistakes.

By: Grammarly Inc. From USA


Scribbr is a thesis checking tool offer its services to students of college and school level.

By: SCRiBBR From Netherlands


PaperRater offers free online spelling, grammar and proofreading tool that encourage individuals and institutional success.

By: Paper Rater
Based on 5 Votes


Copyscape is plagiarism checking online tool that helps industry and individuals to check whether the contents of their website is original or not.

By: Indigo Stream Technologies, Ltd. From Gibraltar
Based on 8 Votes


Plagscan is an online plagiarism checking and grammar checking tool that helps organizations and institution for a complete success over the writing tasks.

By: PlagScan GmbH From Germany
Based on 3 Votes


WriteCheck tutoring, grammar checking and plagiarism checking tool that check your paper or an entire document to detect for any copied content.

By: Turnitin, LLC. From USA


Unicheck is the first-class plagiarism detection software.

By: Unicheck
Based on 1 Vote

Plagiarism Software

It offers grammar checking and plagiarism checking tool that help individuals and organizations to improve their writing tasks.

By: Plagiarism Software


This software ensures that your documents remained all original and make sure it is protected from copyright infringements.

By: Copyleaks From Israel
Based on 12 Votes


Plagtracker claims to be the most accurate plagiarism checking service provider.

By: PlagTracker From USA


Plagramme is an excellent plagiarism detector with the most extensive comparator base in the world.

By: Arturas
Based on 1 Vote


iThenticate is online plagiarism detection software that helps preventing plagiarism in publishing works.

By: Turnitin, LLC From USA


UnPlag provides a plagiarism checking and grammar checking software that helps ensuring that your contents are all good.

By: IT Axioma, Ltd. From Cyprus


ScanMyEssay is a viper plagiarism scanner that scans for entire document or paper to detect if the content is original or not.

By: All Answers Limited From UK


PlagSpotter provides support for the plagiarism checking and monitoring tools for contents.

By: PlagSpotter From Ukraine


Turnitln is an online tool offers originality checking, peer checking and online grading operations to institutions, industries and individuals.

By: Turnitin, LLC. From USA


PlagirismDetect is a plagiarism service provider that helps individuals, institutions and organization fighting against the plagiarism.

By: PlagiarismDetect From UK

The phrase ‘technology is a boon and bane to mankind’ needs no special introduction. Sure, it has made our lives easy-peasy and comfortable, but it doesn’t come without troubles. Due to the availability of vast amounts of information on the Internet, it doesn’t take much to copy from previously published works and claim it as your own. But thanks to plagiarism checker software, students, writers, and researchers can all claim the originality of their work and keep it protected from further plagiarism.

What is plagiarism?

When someone wrongfully steals another person’s work and publishes it under their own name, it is known as plagiarism. It isn’t just about copying of a writer’s words but also his thoughts and ideas without crediting the source. It can also be tagged as literary theft. Plagiarism can also take place unintentionally when the writer forgets to cite the sources from where he has drawn reference in his own work. It can raise questions against the credibility of his work.

The importance of writing plagiarism-free articles

 Plagiarism is often seen as a criminal act on the grounds of copyright infringement. It is a violation of journalistic ethics, and in academic writing, it is also a grave act of dishonesty. For academic research works, if you are caught plagiarizing, you may be dismissed from school. If you are writing for a client, producing unique content free from any plagiarism becomes of paramount importance. Otherwise, someone may penalize your client, who then may have to face the court or pay considerable fines. Worst case scenario, you, your boss, or your client may even end up behind bars.

What do plagiarism checkers really do?

The work of any plagiarism checker is to ascertain that your text is 100% free from any plagiarism. Most good plagiarism checkers can function at high speeds and scavenge through millions of websites within a few seconds to point out the phrases or sentences that have been copied. The source from where it has been taken is also pointed along with the highlighted copied parts. It also often gives an overall percentage score for plagiarism. It comes handy when you cannot avoid copying specific data directly from the source and instead need to keep it unmodified. This way, you can still ensure that your write-up doesn’t cross the predefined limit of plagiarism allowance.

A Writer and Academician’s Friend

Plagiarism Checkers will give you the confidence that your article or paper is your own work. Of course, you may be using different sources to find information related to your essay, and by running a plagiarism check, you can ensure that you are within all possible ethical limits and regulations. For any duplication, you can quickly edit your work and make it as unique as possible. It will not only help you achieve success in your field but will also keep you at bay from any plausible legal allegation. Again, for web content writers, this is particularly beneficial because they mostly need to write under tight deadlines while referring to many sources to create the piece of write-up. With plagiarism checks, you can avoid all troubles with paraphrasing, inadequate citations, or simple copy-pastes so that the articles are unique and copyrighted to you or the client you are working for. 

Finding the Right Online Plagiarism Checker

Now, there are many online plagiarism tools, some better equipped than others to hunt for copied content. Some may offer free unlimited checks, but the number of websites they scan across is usually limited. There is other paid software offering unlimited scanning with a registration fee that performs better in terms of scanning sources. You must take your time and find a reliable tool because a bad or shady one may potentially steal your content, apart from burning a hole in your pocket as well. A good plagiarism checker should be able to access multiple sources and databases to scan through for duplication and produce comprehensive reports with high accuracy and speed. It should be accurate and secure and come with support for a variety of browsers and file formats. Also, don’t forget to compare the prices and check for customer reviews across different platforms.