Predictive Analytics

The sophisticated predictive analysis technology is meant for enabling organization for mining data and building predictive models which can assist them in analyzing future business situations. Predictive modeling and data mining technology is utilized by organizations for making better business decisions. It allows users to identify risks and find new opportunities. On the whole, it lets organizations to stay competitive.

These are a few Predictive Analytics platform developers that several leading global companies prefer:



H2O is for business analysts and data scientists who require fast and scalable machine learning.

By: 0xdata From USA
Based on 10 Votes


Medio is a global provider that increases the value of lifetime of mobile consumers.

By: Medio Systems, Inc From USA


Dataiku provides a high-performance predictive analysis platform for data scientists – where expert data professionals to entry level business analysts can work together.

By: Dataiku SAS From France


RapidMiner is popular predictive analysis software that disrupts the entire industry by allowing organizations to incorporate predictive model in their business process for bridging the gap between action and insights.

By: RapidMiner, Inc. From USA
Based on 16 Votes

IBM SPSS Modeler

IBM SPSS Modeler is a widespread predictive analytics software platform which is designed for bringing predictive intelligence to judgments made by enterprises, systems, groups and individuals.

By: International Business Machines Corporation From USA
Based on 22 Votes


Statistica, an analytics products suite from StatSoft allows users to empower people, embed analytics anywhere and innovate faster.

By: StatSoft Inc. From USA

SAP Predictive Analysis

SAP Predictive Analysis helps different types of businesses for anticipating and shaping better business results.

By: SAP SE From Germany

KNIME Analytics

KNIME is a contemporary data analytics software platform which will allow users to perform complex data and statistics mining on their data for predicting potential results and analyzing trends.

By: AG From Switzerland

Revolution R

Revolution R is one of the cost-effective and the fastest enterprise-level Big Data analytics platforms that are available today.

By: Revolution Analytics, Inc. From USA


Angoss is a leader in providing predictive analysis to business that are looking for improving performance across sales, risk and marketing.

By: Angoss Software Corporation From Canada

Rapid Insight

Rapid Insight is professional provider of automatic predictive modeling and business intelligence software.

By: Rapid Insight Inc. From USA

SAS Predictive Analytics

SAS Predictive Analytics make use of machine-learning techniques, data and statistical algorithms for identifying the probability of historical data-based future end results.

By: SAS Institute Inc. From USA

GraphLab Create

GraphLab Create makes complicated machine-learning easy for iterating, using and deploying.

By: Dato, Inc. From USA

Alpine Data

Alpine Data provides Alpine Chorus, an advanced analytics software platform for Hadoop and Big Data.

By: Alpine Analytics, Inc. From USA

Predixion Software

Predixion Software helps users in making a healthier and safer world through its predictive modeling software platform.

By: Predixion Software, Inc. From USA

FICO Predictive Analytics

FICO Predictive Analytics is from FICO, a global analytics software developer which helps businesses around the world for making better decisions which can drive greater growth levels, customer satisfaction and profitability.

By: Fair Isaac Corporation From USA
Based on 23 Votes


Infogamy is a lead management platform that offers the research of deeper insights, offer recommendations and make predictions,, when you need it.

By: LTD From Israel

Salford SPM

Salford SPM offers predictive modeling and data mining software as well as consulting services to numerous organizations across the world.

By: Salford Systems From USA

Predictive Analytics are the software services used by businesses to predict future outcomes using the available content and feedback.  They do this by producing a statistical analysis of the same so that organizations can know in advance what type of content fares better among their consumers and what steps they should take to attract more traffic to their platform and satisfy more users. These platforms deliver analytics results for users with the help of scripts coded in high-end languages like Python or R, and the results users get on their screen, which they can display in different filters of their choice, are called dashboards. These get designed by the analytics platform using either coding languages or software like Tableau or Power BI.

To understand Analytics broadly, we will go in brief about how different platforms provide different types of analytics, what their capabilities are, and what organizations they are meant for.

Know the ceiling

Digital Marketing is an essential aspect to consider if businesses want to grow in today’s market. But to make the best out of social media, they need to know how it works and how they can leverage it for the growth of their platform. Predictive Analytics platforms come handy at this point. They are utilized by various organizations to know how their digital marketing strategies are going to bore results among customers and what more they can deliver in comparison to their rivals to move ahead and pull more customers. Users might argue here that every business has some dynamics, and there is no particular strategy or straightforward method to success.

As much it feels like Predictive Analytics will disagree with the statement mentioned above, the case turns out to be quite the opposite because these platforms deliver multiple methods to analyze strategies and content used by businesses in order to gain the traffic they have at the moment. Does the secret lie in using more images? Or backlinks? Or maybe it’s the text? Or who knows if the rival organizations have more lucrative email templates? Going through all the options can turn out to be an ordeal for any responsible person of the platform, but not for Predictive Analytics services.

And why stop at rival organizations? As they say, think and play like the one you want to conquer, and victory will be in your hands. Predictive Analytics helps users achieve the same by capturing the audience sentiment through various services.

Reaching to the audience

Predictive Analytics services employ a vast range of methods to reach their audience. They get the data using data mining and scrapping from various sources such as user feedback, surveys conducted, comments put by them, and their ratings. In most cases, this data is enough to conduct a near to precise analysis, but in case users are don’t have access to any such data, there is a solution for that as well.

Advanced Predictive Analytics software services can utilize even written text and images using Artificial Intelligence and then produce a prediction model. This provides users with insight into the performance of the platform and lets them know what factors should be worked upon to get the results they desire. Analytics can also go a step ahead and provide organizations with results based on data from the traffic’s geographic location, their social media usage, their emails, and other parameters that can accurately predict what do customers need. So if you are ever wondering about what reasons are stopping your organization from growing or what strategies will yield the most results, try out Predictive Analytics software services.

FAQs –

1. What’s the difference between the Analysis section of most marketing applications and Predictive Analytics software services?

Answer: While the Analysis services produce results from the events and sales that have happened in the past, Predictive Analytics try to predict the future outcome. Analysis service can be relied on if you are already in the market and just need to see consumer behavior, while Analytics can be utilized to understand a market and predict the future circumstances in it.

2. As Analytics features are complex, do Predictive Analytics software services require users to know how to code?

Answer: No. Users need not worry about coding as that part is taken care of by the engineers at any product’s team. The purpose of Predictive Analytics in the first place is to make everything understandable to a layperson.

3. How reliable are Analytics results, and how can they make me take the right decision?

Answer: Analytics is fairly reliable, and when it comes to decision making, they provide users with the decisions which can deliver the optimum results. They do this by considering all the factors that affect the process and calculate the effect of each factor to yield the most accurate result possible.