OmNovia Review
Detailed Reviews
omNovia is a webinar, web conferencing, and webcasting service
provided by omNovia Technologies, a software company founded in 2004 and
headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA. It offers various cloud
presentation services with worldwide compatibility, with a reliable
service and no downtime since 2011.
Tools Menu
Tools menu within omNovia software has various features that you can
use to add more engagement into your presentation, so that your audience
can participate actively in the discussion. There is an Instant Poll
feature that allows you to conduct poll instantly for the audience, and
show the result of the poll instantly within your presentation. There is
also Q&A Manager, which allows you to have a better and more
organized questions and answers session with your audience. It is also
worth to mention about eCurtain, which is a feature that allows you to
practice your presentation before the actual event.
White Board
There is a feature within omNovia software called White Board. This feature allows you to share many things with your audience, including mind maps, concepts, blueprints, and so on. It will act in the same way as the traditional whiteboard presentation that you’ve already familiar with. With this feature, you can always visualize what you say to your audience in an easier way, as well as share and collaborate it easily as well.
Slide Show and Media Player
The Slide Show and Media Player features allow you to upload presentation in the PowerPoint format, as well as play video during the presentation. The PowerPoint and video presentation will be left intact, with embedded audio, animation, and transition if available. With the Slide Show feature, the host can view the notes and thumbnails within the PowerPoint presentation privately, without disturbing the experience of the attendees. With Media Player, aside from being able to play video during the presentation, you can also record your own video with your webcam, as well as play video directly from YouTube.
Recast Recorder and Survey Module
Recast Recorder is a feature that allows you to play previous live presentation, as well as record the current presentation to be used at a later date. While playing the previous live presentation, you are able to retain the interactivity of the presentation to your audience. Survey Module allows you to conduct a quick survey within your presentation, and allow you to get the quick result of the survey. You can customize your survey to your liking and ask the audience to participate in it anytime during the presentation.
Co-Browser and Desktop Sharing
Cobrowser is a feature that allows you to direct your attendees to any web page that you choose. You can even ask your participants to take certain actions within the web page, such as filling out a form, signing up for the next event, and so on. Desktop Sharing is a feature that allows you to share your desktop screen with your audience in real time. It uses the technology called omNovia Projector.
Participant List
The Participant List feature allows you to see all participants with coded colors. The purple color is for moderators. The blue color is for attendees. The orange color is for presenters. Aside from that, you can click on the participant’s name and see user statistics, send private messages, give more control to the presenter, and so on.
an enterprise-level web conferencing service, omNovia can deliver a
really good experience, which will help any company to create engaging
presentations with their audience. With features like Cobrowser, Instant
Poll, Q&A Manager, and Survey Module, you can ask the audience to
actively participate in the presentation in order to give them a better
experience with it. With 21-day free trial, this service is worth to try
if you are looking for the best web conferencing software for your