

By: Mobiscroll

Mobiscroll is a library of UI that is needed in the development of web apps. The components are very powerful. These components also help mobile developers in their developing processes. It is an efficient tool for developing web and mobile apps. It gives you a look that is specific to the platform.

Based on 28 Votes
Top Mobiscroll Alternatives
  • Como
  • Bitbucket
  • Android Studio
  • Azure SDK
  • Intel XDK
  • AppInstitute
  • Siberian CMS
  • Clinked
  • Alpha Software
  • Infinite Monkeys
  • WinDev Mobile
  • Appsme
  • TheAppBuilder
  • MobApp Creator
  • Plobal Apps
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Top Mobiscroll Alternatives and Overview



Como provides easy app builder software that allows you to create your own app with loyalty programs.

By: Conduit Ltd From Israel
Based on 4 Votes


Bitbucket is a platform that helps software developers collaborate for a project.

By: Atlassian
Based on 76 Votes

Android Studio

Android Studio is the established integrated development environment for Android application development and maintenance, based on IntelliJ IDEA.

By: Google
Based on 47 Votes

Azure SDK

When it comes to managing, building, testing, and deploying applications, Azure’s cloud services are second to none.

By: Microsoft
Based on 13 Votes

Intel XDK

By: Intel Corporation
Based on 17 Votes


AppInstitute is the leading App Builder platform for small and medium sized businesses with 100% brand control.

By: AppInstitute From UK
Based on 1 Vote

Siberian CMS

It features loyalty card, discounts, mobile commerce, social networks, push notifications, social gaming, RSS feeds...

By: Xtraball SAS From France
Based on 7 Votes


By: Rabbitsoft Ltd
Based on 41 Votes

Alpha Software

It features reporting and charting, security, mapping and GPS, scheduling, data connectivity, tablet-optimized forms, mobile...

By: Alpha Software Corporation From USA

Infinite Monkeys

It features drag-and-drop system, native apps, HTML5 apps, Community Walls, Chat, Maps, unlimited users, unlimited...

By: Infinite Monkeys Pte Ltd From USA

WinDev Mobile

Based on 1 Vote


It features in-app deals, loyalty schemes, push notifications, Geo messaging, Facebook integration, photo gallery showcase...

By: Refresh Mobile Ltd From UK


It features private and public app builder, AES-256 encryption, easy and instant updates, Google Analytics...

By: TheAppBuilder Ltd From UK
Based on 1 Vote

MobApp Creator

It features native mobile app templates, news and products, multimedia, app preview, integrated content manager...

By: MobApp Labs S.A From Argentina

Plobal Apps

By: Plobal Tech
Based on 10 Votes

Mobiscroll Review and Overview

People do try to build web and mobile apps by themselves and by making use of cheap plugins that are available on the internet. But the output is not an efficient solution and the desired one. To avoid such a situation, you can use the Mobiscroll tool because it helps in creating powerful and efficient output.

Components of Mobiscroll

The first component is the Date and Time Pickers. It handles the challenges involved with the picking up of the dates and times. Then there is a range picker component that acts as a booking calendar. It helps in picking up the date and time ranges. It can be used on both the mobile and the desktop. You can have a multiple month view with the help of this component. There is an event calendar component that deals with recurring events and the scheduling of custom events. There are components that act as pickers and dropdowns and helps single or multi-value selection.


The framework has features for multiple environments like JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, React, and Ionic.  It can run anywhere where there are running JavaScript available. You can use its API with jQuery in a very easy way. You can use it with Angular for creating hybrid apps. You can use the controls of Mobiscroll with Ionic and Angular apps. You can directly use it in your JSX code without the need for extra efforts.


The components are flexible enough to fit in your workflow. You can have the benefits of its performance features while maintaining the original look. The products created with the help of this tool gives a better appearance and features to the user. You can add rules according to your suitability. It also contains functions for the Dark UI. 3D rendering and the zooming feature can also be added using this tool. It does the complete testing of your app and provides you a detailed analysis report related to the performance.

Company Information

Company Name: Mobiscroll

Founded in: 2011