
LinkTrackr Review

By: Kreydle Sdn Bhd. From Malaysia

Detailed Reviews

An Internet marketer always prefers a reliable link cloaking product for generating more effective affiliate links as well as for tracking ongoing campaigns accurately. This is exactly where the LinkTrackr tool can be a handy tool. Designed as an online link tracker, LinkTrackr comes with several commendable abilities. It can cloak affiliate links to avoid commission loss, track conversions and banner ads, and perform split testing to get maximized returns for the marketing efforts made.

The tool also precisely tracks several advertising campaigns to analyze their performance. This helps in harnessing the untapped power of social media and other lucrative platforms for generating viral traffic. In short, this marketing tool has all the effective features that can help you in dominating your niche.

Setup and Interface

The interface is neat and well organized, making the tool simple to use. Because the tool is Web-based, there is no need to install it on server. You just need to select the right plan and create your online account. Once you setup account, you need to install code in your website to keep tracking of conversion. Alternatively, you can choose to install LinkTrackr as a WordPress plugin on your blog to make things simper.

Link Cloaking

You can hide the URL while creating links to prevent its visibility in the browser. Because the actual link is hidden, the browser displays only the generated cloaked link. This means the visitors clicking your link will be unable to view the main affiliate URL. Although this is helpful, it is recommended to go through the terms and conditions while promoting an affiliate product, as a few sites do not favor hiding their own URLs.

LinkTrackr also displays a social sharing bar to allow the visitors to share the cloaked links. This has the ability to generate more viral traffic from social platforms, without investing money or efforts. Because a cloaked affiliate link is shared instead of the main one, your commissions are not lost or taken away by your competitors.

Cloaking with Custom Domain URL

Interestingly, LinkTrackr allows using a custom domain URL for cloaking the links, which you can specify your own URL for cloaking. Although the tool can also use the default domain URL for instant cloaking, the custom domain facilitates better branding and appears to be quite professional. You can even add other domains, which is essential in case you have multiple sites.

You can also arrange links in groups for ensuring quick search inside the tool, a handy feature for those having thousands of links. For each link, you can also specify meta information, such as title, keywords, description, and image URL for the link.

Split Testing

LinkTrackr allows performing a split test on landing pages by sharing the traffic evenly between their links. This helps in finding out which landing pages are bringing you more traffic. For example, if there are 10 landing pages and you need to know which one shall deliver the best conversion rate, just split the traffic between these pages evenly and allow the tool to show you the results.

Conversion Tracking

LinkTrackr allows tracking all traffic campaigns easily by adding a piece of code on your site. Doing so shows exactly from where the leads and sales are triggering and which ad campaign has given you the maximum conversions.

Usually, for tracking conversions, you are required to add a conversion code on the page called ‘thank you’. However, in case you are selling or promoting the products of other people as an affiliate, you cannot access that page of the merchant’s site. This issue no longer exists with LinkTrackr, as it employs several tracking methods such as a Postback / Callback URL to take care of coding on ‘thank you’ pages.


LinkTrackr can be trusted as a marketing tool for affiliate marketing. It is not only efficient in terms of installation and use, but also in terms of boosting the results of ad campaigns.

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